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Links to weekly results all - https://t.me/avtomatfx/874.

Results: Vladimir. from August 24 to September 4 from $ 500 to $ 1700 - https://t.me/avtomatfx/547

326% Profit from Vladimir for the week. From $ 285 to $ 1215.  Vladimir tries his own trading style. The only advice: before using all pairs in a row, you need to collect statistics on them.  - https://t.me/avtomatfx/656


Ruslan has 127% in one day:



The results of the clients are published in the Telegram chat: https://t.me/avtomatfx/1984 https://t.me/avtomatfx/1302 https://t.me/avtomatfx/84

What a state looks like from $ 5,000 to $ 14,000. from 23 July. All drawdowns are visible on the chart. Over 84,000 deals !!!- https://t.me/avtomatfx/741 с 5 до 14

Our robots can be obtained free of charge by opening an account from 500 euros using the link https://rbfxdirect.com/ru/lk/?a=sspa When opening an account, enter the partner code: sspa.  Account type MT4 Cent Affiliate or MT4 Pro Affiliate. Maximum leverage.